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Issue List
Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 893, Issue 1, Pages 1-213 (29 September 2000)
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Applications of mass spectrometry to food proteins and peptides REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 1-21
H. F. Alomirah, I. Alli and Y. Konishi
Abstract | PDF (730 K)
Preparation and evaluation of packed capillary columns for the separation of nucleic acids by ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 23-35
Herbert Oberacher, Alexander Krajete, Walther Parson and Christian G. Huber
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Investigation of mandelic acid bonding on Pirkle type chromatographic stationary phases by Raman spectroscopy ARTICLE
Pages 37-46
E. Horváth, J. Kristóf, R. L. Frost, L. Rintoul, Á. Rédey and W. Forsling
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Separation of the four pairs of enantiomers of vincamine alkaloids by enantioselective high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 47-54
Salvatore Caccamese and Grazia Principato
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Comparison of different liquid chromatography methods for the determination of corticosteroids in biological matrices ARTICLE
Pages 55-67
A. A. M. Stolker, P. L. W. J. Schwillens, L. A. van Ginkel and U. A. Th. Brinkman
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Derivatization of ephedrine with o-phthaldialdehyde for liquid chromatography after treatment with sodium hypochlorite ARTICLE
Pages 69-80
Rosa Herráez-Hernández and Pilar Campíns-Falcó
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Development of simultaneous purification methodology for multiple synthetic peptides by reversed-phase sample displacement chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 81-94
D. L. Husband, C. T. Mant and R. S. Hodges
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Analysis of a peptide hormone mixture of therapeutic interest by liquid chromatography coupled to high-flow pneumatically assisted electrospray mass spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 95-106
I. Toro, V. Sanz-Nebot and J. Barbosa
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Purification of Substance P endopeptidase activity in the rat ventral tegemental area with the Äkta-Purifier chromatographic system ARTICLE
Pages 107-113
Krister Karlsson and Fred Nyberg
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Effects of DNA topology, temperature and solvent viscosity on DNA retardation in slalom chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 115-122
Jun Hirabayashi and Ken-ichi Kasai
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Determination of thiophanate-methyl and its metabolites at trace level in spiked natural water using the supported liquid membrane extraction and the microporous membrane liquid–liquid extraction techniques combined on-line with high-performance liquid chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 123-131
Margareta Sandahl, Lennart Mathiasson and Jan Åke Jönsson
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Determination of ammonium in milk and dairy products by ion chromatography ARTICLE
Pages 133-142
Frédéric Gaucheron and Yvon Le Graet
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Determination of fungicides in natural waters using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography coupled with electron-capture and mass spectrometric detection ARTICLE
Pages 143-156
Dimitra A. Lambropoulou, Ioannis K. Konstantinou and Triantafyllos A. Albanis
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High-performance polyethylene glycol-coated solid-phase microextraction fibers using sol–gel technology ARTICLE
Pages 157-168
Zhenyu Wang, Chuhua Xiao, Caiying Wu and Huimin Han
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On-line monitoring trihalomethanes in chlorinated water by membrane introduction–fast gas chromatography mass–spectrometry ARTICLE
Pages 169-175
Cheng Chin Chang and Guor Rong Her
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Enantiomeric separations of cationic and neutral compounds by capillary electrochromatography with monolithic chiral stationary phases of small beta, Greek-cyclodextrin-bonded negatively charged polyacrylamide gels ARTICLE
Pages 177-187
Takashi Koide and Kyoji Ueno
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Determination of enantiomeric excess of small alpha, Greek-hydroxy-3-phenoxybenzeneacetonitrile and its n-butyl ester by chiral high-performance liquid chromatography SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 189-193
N. W. Fadnavis, Ravi Luke Babu, G. Sheelu andAshlesha Deshpande
SummaryPlus | Full Text + Links | PDF (94 K)
Determination of sugar alcohols in confectioneries by high-performance liquid chromatography after nitrobenzoylation SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 195-200
Shuko Nojiri, Nobuo Taguchi, Mistuo Oishi and Sukeji Suzuki
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Pressurised liquid extraction of ketones of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 201-206
ZbynImagek Zdráhal, Pavel Karásek, Lea Lojková, Martina Bucková, ZbynImagek VeImageeImagea and JiImageí Vejrosta
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Fatty acids and small beta, Greek-carotene in Australian purslane (Portulaca oleracea) varieties SHORT COMMUNICATION
Pages 207-213
Lixia Liu, Peter Howe, Ye-Fang Zhou, Zhi-Qiang Xu, Charles Hocart and Ren Zhang
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